Mini Abdominoplasty

After pregnancy or weight loss, you can be left with an excess of skin and fat in the lower abdomen. This procedure removes this excess and is helpful for patients with a small amount of skin and fat around the lower part of the abdomen. The end result of this procedure is a flatter and tighter abdomen.

Summary of the Procedure

The excess skin and fat of the lower abdomen is excised. The resulting scar is central and about 8 – 10 inches at the bikini line (just a little bit longer than a cesarean section scar). The tummy button is left intact. The stomach muscles may or may not need to be tightened. In some cases, this procedure can be combined with liposuction.

Postoperative period

After the procedure, the patient awakes with a dressing and a strapping on the abdomen. Drains will be in place to remove any excess blood or fluid and are usually kept in place for 48-72 hours. An abdominal binder or corset will need to be used for 4 weeks following surgery

What you need to be aware of

As with any surgical procedure, there can occasionally be complications; scarring, bleeding, infection, seroma (fluid collection), altered sensation, skin loss, pain, tummy button necrosis and blood clots in the legs or the lungs. The chances of any complication can be reduced by observing the postoperative recommendations above. Smoking is also a risk factor. This subject is always fully discussed during your initial consultation.

Nights in hospital

Your length of stay would be 1 night

Recovery time

3-4 weeks

Compression garment

Should be worn for 4 weeks 24/7

Want to find out more?

Call our team on +441917203002