Anna Raurell profile

Anna Raurell

LMS (1988), FRCS (Ed), FRCS (Plast)

As a female plastic surgeon performing cosmetic procedures in the East Midlands, Anna is in a unique position to empathise with the many reasons why you might decide on cosmetic surgery.

​Anna’s consultations are friendly, personal and honest and take place in a reassuring and relaxed atmosphere. She takes plenty of time to listen very carefully to what your requirements are.

The time Anna takes getting to know you along with her extensive experience allows her to see what you see when you look in the mirror (and what you would like to see). This approach enables her to understand and create the results you really want and gives you the reassurance of knowing that you are in caring and expert hands with excellent preoperative and postoperative care.

Maintaining high standards of patient care and operating technique is important to Anna. Anna is the East Midlands training program director for plastic surgery which means that she is responsible for ensuring that trainee plastic surgeons in the region have outstanding training and they have fulfilled all the curriculum requirements before they are certified as consultants.

​Anna truly enjoys her work and takes great satisfaction from seeing the results that make such a difference to her patients.