Plastic surgery FAQ – frequently asked questions
The decision to have any form of plastic surgery should not be taken lightly and it is important that you think long and hard about it before you go ahead with anything. You should always take your time to consider all your options and ensure that you are going ahead with the right surgery and the right surgeon for you!
Who will be operating on me?
Make sure that you have your consultation with the surgeon that will be operating on you. This way you can make sure that your surgeon definitely specialises in the areas that you want operating on. This also means that the surgeon will know what you want and therefore more likely to meet your expectations.
What are your qualifications?
If you are considering getting plastic surgery, then you should make sure that you go to a fully qualified surgeon that is listed on the general medicine council register. This means that they have expert knowledge of what they will be doing that they are recognised as a cosmetic surgeon.
What are the potential risks and complications of the surgery?
Your surgeon should highlight these points in your consultation before surgery. However, if they do not then it is important that you ask the questions, so that you fully understand the risks and benefits of the surgery. This can help you to make an informed decision that is right for you.
What results can I expect and how long can they last?
If you are unsure about any terms that your surgeon uses, then it is important that you ask them to explain it so that you have a full understanding of what it means. You should also ask your surgeon if the procedure will need to be redone. For example, if you are having breast implants then you should ask how long you can leave it before you have new implants put in.
What is the after care?
Having a good aftercare is just as important as having a good surgeon. Make sure that you go over the aftercare routine with your surgeon before you go ahead with any surgery. It may help you to have a detailed list of what to do after the surgery ready, be aware that part of the aftercare may mean take some time off work. By taking good care after your surgery, you are less likely to have any complications.